On-site participation in TFC21
Those that intend to reach the University facilities at the time of the conference are asked to get in contact with Renate Folie (email: event(at)unibz.it ). All the instructions will be given about how to reach the rooms where the conference will be managed. Because of the Covid situation, the rules below apply and have to be carefully read by visitors. Information about the venue and further information about the Covid situation in South Tyrol are available here.
The Decree Law no. 111 dated 6 August 2021 and the Emergency Measure of the President of the Provincial Government No. 29 of 27.08.2021 introduce new measures to prevent Covid-19 infection, making the COVID-19 green certification (Green Pass) mandatory on university campuses.

As a result, from 1 September 2021 University staff, students and external visitors must possess a Green Pass and are required to show it on the main entrance.
The following persons may receive a green pass:
– Vaccinated persons: valid from the 15th day after the first dose and until the second dose; thereafter, valid for 270 days after the second dose.
– Healed persons: valid for 180 days.
– Tested persons: valid for 48 hours after having tested negative to a PCR or antigen test.
Unibz strongly discourages to travel from and in high-risk areas. In exceptional cases of proven necessity, a private insurance policy must be taken out.
For detailed please refer to information on the current travel alerts concerning Covid-19 (see also “viaggiare sicuri”), and please visit the respective websites.
As the information herein is constantly updated, please check the website until right before starting your trip abroad.
Follow guidance from the local health authority, for everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including:
- washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol;
- avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands;
- covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing;
- throw used tissues in the trash;
- cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- wearing a face mask when required
Adhere to social distance protocols put in place by the event organizers and respect others’ personal space.
If you need an antigen test for travelling back home, this can be taken at the local pharmacies. The nearest to the unibz is the following pharmacy: St. Anna-Apotheke
Price: Antigentest from € 15 – 25,00 (variable). You will receive the test result within 30 min in paper form, and within 2 to 4 hours the link to the ministerial Green Pass.
When tested positive you have to go in quarantine for 10 days at your own expenses, and contact tracing starts (automatically) by the system set up by the Italian authorities.